How to

The Leatherique two-part system - Rejuvenator & Prestine Clean

Simply the Best Since 1962, Leatherique Rejuvenator and Leatherique Prestine Clean are our signature products.  Rejuvenator is known worldwide for its ability to soften even cardboard hard leather.  It is a complex blend of animal proteins, collagens, with absolutely no oil fillers of any kind.  Both products are all natural and contain no silicones, waxes or other chemicals.

1. Vacuum the leather of excess dirt and debris.  
2. Apply Rejuvenator liberally and allow it to soak in for 24 hours or longer.
3. Apply Prestine Clean to a soft terry cloth and wipe the leather clean.
4. Buff the leather with a soft terry cloth.

Printable and more detailed can be found here:
Rejuvenator & Prestine Clean : Directions